What is the Joto-Vent Made of?
What is it Made of and How is it Made?
How it Began
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, social awareness turned toward the problems of industrial waste plastics and the method of treating incineration ash from thermal power plants and blast furnaces. In 1971, we began research on molding these waste products and limestone filling materials, and developed and commercialized a new method of producing pellets with a special blending ration of resin and filler.
This new material, “JC (Joto-Compound),” received the support of Japan’s Ministry of International Trade in 1973. The following year, JC was awarded manufacturing patents in the United States and several European countries as a recycled resin heat treatment system called “Joto-process.” In the 45 years that have followed, this unique material combining the hardness of the inorganic filler and the high moldability of the resin has continued to be employed as raw material in building products in Japan.
How is it Made?
1. Making pellets from quality raw materials
2. Joto-Vent is manufactured by an injection molding machine
3. Conducting inspections and ensuring quality control
4. Packed and ready to be shipped to customers